
Our mission is to…

  •  Equip with truth.
  •  Empower to serve.
  •  Engage the world.

Our vision is to…

Maintain a relational, small church, environment, while simultaneously reaching the lost for Christ and planting churches in or around the greater Saint Louis Metro area.

Our plan is to:

Cultivate Jesus centered Sunday morning services that are bathed in prayer, captivating, and welcoming; with worship that encourages revitalization in our relationship with Christ through heart felt, spirit filled, and purposeful acts of praise, and teaching that prepares our community to love the world with Truth that is Scripturally based, practically relatable, and relevant.

Develop children and youth education programs that are interactive, fun, and inviting; with teachings that are consistently reinforced by the church at every level, curricula that both recognizes the factuality of Scripture and instills the love of God, and practical lessons that construct a firm foundation of Truth centered in the power and grace of Jesus Christ.

Facilitate adult education programs that are presented in an easy, comprehendible, and conversational format with learning that focuses on a transformational relationship with Christ based on real life issues, and instruction that seeks to both build a strong understanding and personal application of Scripture.

Provide ongoing, Holy Spirit lead, relational, and need based mission opportunities that use our God given gifts to spread the Gospel on a local, national, and global level.

Foster a diverse, fun, and loving church culture that is welcoming of all people as adopted members of the family of God who live a life victorious in Christ, walk by the Holy Spirit, and lead Scripturally centered lives.